
Why Google is Doing Public Relations Right

A prime example of planning, branding and publics in regards to public relations is Google. Since its creation in 1998, Google has evolved into the well-known company we know today. Google has displayed exemplary public relations tactics in various campaigns and developments over the last few years. Here is one example why Google is successful from a public relations perspective.

Background of Google’s Ebola Fundraiser

In 2014, Google created a monetary fundraiser to donate funds to the Ebola crisis that was sweeping over Africa. Google promised to donate $2 for every dollar raised for the cause until they reach its goal of $7.5 million. Google utilized banners on their website to promote the fundraiser. An example of the ad is pictured below with their key information and messaging.They also partnered with Facebook to promote this campaign to users. 

Google named the organizations the funds would go to support which added a layer of transparency and trustworthiness. 

Google Donates $10 Million To Fight Ebola And Promises More
Wright, M. (2014). Google Donates $10 Million to Fight Ebola and Promises More [Digital image]. Retrieved from

Planning and Branding Tactics

The planning and execution that is entailed in a project of this size is a massive undertaking. A fundraiser of this size would require preparation coordinating with the four organizations, confirming how the funds would be dispersed, setting up the website and payment process, and how to market the campaign. Millions of people supported this cause, and Google was able to disperse the funds to the appropriate organizations. This campaign created a philanthropic perspective on Google’s brand that was not present prior to the fundraiser. Their involvement and action to support a worthy cause gained the respect of millions of people. This example explicitly depicts evidence of thorough planning and branding tactics.

Google’s Audience

The difficult question is who is Google’s audience, and how did they address them? While some may think that the target audience is everyone because nearly every person uses Google, it can be narrowed down even further. In regards to the previous campaign, Google was targeting middle class to upper middle class people. Since this is a monetary campaign, they are looking for people with a bit more financial stability, perhaps people in the 30-50 age range. People older than that may not be as technologically savvy and therefore not understand how to support the cause. They need to reach people who have the technology to engage with their company on the Internet. Users are typically technologically competitive or have higher education. With these demographics in mind, it becomes easier to narrow in on the content, messaging, and tactics to best target that audience. 

Google is a prime example of how much planning and preparation are required to execute public relations strategies and tactics effectively. If you don’t believe me, go Google it.